Email from a client after their first healing session:
I really thought the session today was splendid. - SC in an email
Here is a text I received a few hours after seeing this client who has lymphedema
I often travel to DC but I have the left arm that suffers from lymphedema. Jill Nelson’s name was given to me by my daughter. At the very first appointment I felt totally confident with Jill's explanations and on how the bandaging would help me. She encouraged me to be bandaged (at that point my left arm was painful from wrist to top arm and very swollen). She also uses the method of "elastic taping" stretches of elastic tape. This actually is quite "magical" as the lymph seems to find its own way and/or new ways of evacuating itself.
The lymphedema compression bandaging of the whole arm is really great, not painful at all , just a little bit of a nuisance for a short period of time (2 weeks). I can recommend the work, knowledge and experience of Jill Nelson. - Christiane Simon, Switzerland
From a client with whom I did long distance healing:
Jill's long distant healing work is incredibly powerful. During our session, I felt I was held in a loving embrace and that waves of healing energy were washing over me. I could palpably feel the energy moving through and around me. The energy was transformative at the physical, emotional and psychospiritual levels. After the session, I had more physical ease. I felt more grounded and centered. And, I felt connected to my Higher Power. Jill is an amazing healer. - Chandra
Energy healing Barbara Brennan Healing hands on healing surgery recovery long distance healing transformational healing