Kensington Professionals
Amy Iadarola Certified Advanced Rolfer - Developed by Dr. Ida Rolf in the 1940s, Rolfing structural integration is a form of bodywork in which the therapist manipulates the body’s pervasive fascial system to enhance health, improve performance, and relieve pain.
Spiritual Companioning and Integrative Navigation with Carole O'Toole - CoHealing
Compression bandaging supplies
BandagesPlus Lymphedema Products
The National Lymphedema Network
The Society for Oncology Massage lists therapists who have been specially trained to give massage to those being treated for cancer.
Molly Shapiro L.Ac., Dipl. O.M. - acupuncturist in Bethesda, MD experienced working with oncology patients.
Kasia Kines MS, LDN, CNS - Nutritionist with office in Baltimore
Helpful information regarding mesothelioma Prognosis for mesothelioma
The Lung Cancer Group - mesothelioma resources
The National Cancer Institute has a wonderful selection of cancer related publications that are free.
If you are debating reconstruction after mastectomy or have decided against reconstruction, here's a wonderful website Breast Free
Wonderful yoga website for people dealing with cancer
Friedman Center for Lymphedema Research and Treatment
Resources for Caregivers
Share the Care How to organize a group of people to care for someone who is seriously ill.
Caring Today Support for caregivers